Tag: Wrestling

RD 1: Team Blue VS. Team Red!Brutal unscripted tag team wrestling! Sexual wrestling at it's best - Ultimate Surrender

SEASON 8 CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH:Ariel 'The Assassin' XvsBella 'The Annihilator' - Ultimate Surrender

Semi-Final match up: Loser is totally dominated, finger fucked, & leg scissored into submission. - Ultimate Surrender

6 girl massive orgy from hellThe losers are getting fucked, fisted, made to squirt & humiliated! - Ultimate Surrender

Tragedy strikes the semi finals:A rolled ankle 1 wrestler is injured the match over, tough spor - Ultimate Surrender

The Dragons come from behind & win in stunning fashion. Behind with seconds to go,they pull it out! - Ultimate Surrender

Rookie has her ass kicked, pussy fingered on the mat, humiliating defeat. Fucked like a common whore - Ultimate Surrender

Kiki Koi is injured, replaced with RainCan the Dragons come back & take the lead going into RD3? - Ultimate Surrender

Ariel makes Rain cum on the mat, goes on to brutal victoryNasty submission holds, Rain destroyed - Ultimate Surrender

RD 1: Ninja's vs Dragons!Brutal non-scripted tag team wrestling! Sexual wrestling at it's best! - Ultimate Surrender

5th vs 3rd: Bella has the Dragon reeling, fingers in the pussy, painful grapvines, boob smothering. - Ultimate Surrender

Special Match-up! Blast from the past! Loser is getting fucked by a huge cock. - Ultimate Surrender

12th vs 7th: 2 big titted wrestlers battle to avoid eliminationLoser fucked as punishment in RD4 - Ultimate Surrender

Brutal grapevines, Camel clutches, Crushing leg scissors destroy Jessie Cox.Finger fucked! - Ultimate Surrender

Last years Rookie of the year fucks up this years ranked 14thBrutal submission holds, nasty RD4! - Ultimate Surrender

16th vs 5thBella & her huge natural boobs absolutely destroy the rookie, brutal submission holds - Ultimate Surrender

Brutal 4 girl Tag Team Match up! Non-scripted, sexual submission wrestlingCrushing scissor holds - Ultimate Surrender

10th vs 9th:Big titted Samantha takes on the tiny Jesse Cox, both former collegiate gymnasts. - Ultimate Surrender

12th vs 11th: 2 feisty rookies battle to see who moves forwardThe loser is brutally humilated - Ultimate Surrender

SV TOURNEY: 14th vs 13thBlonde fucks up feisty redhead. Kicks ass with brutal submission hold - Ultimate Surrender

SUMMER VENGEANCE TOURNAMENT: Rank 16 vs 15Only non-scripted sex wrestling tourney in the world! - Ultimate Surrender

6 Girl gang bang orgy from hell: The losers are getting fucked, fisted, made to cum & Squirt! - Ultimate Surrender