The Training of Harmony Rose, Day Four - The Training Of O


Training Report, Final Day General Observations she needs the rules firmly instated: no cursing no going out past 11 to do her homework no masturbating still slow with gratitude selfish wants to conquer fear of cattle prod stay composed rationalizes her bad behavior review homework: ‘the importance of detail’ Lessons Her comfort means little in relation to her submission Focus and composure through repeated cattle prod Orgasm Control Recommendations: Bring in Princess Donna to test our trainee Bind her and put her in a stressful squat on the wet pavement Test her composure by fucking her slut mouth with hard cock and Princess Donna’s wet pussy Teach her a presentation routine that holds her cunt and mouth in service till released Hold her in humiliating positions, whip and clip her Terrorize her with the cattle prod Bind her and pound her cunt with hard cock while Donna rides her face Fill her throat with cum Give her the tools to take the first steps into the actual BDSM community Quiz her on what she learned here Do you think she makes the grade?
