
The Training of Sabrina Fox, Day Two - The Training Of O


TRAINERS NOTES - Day 2, 6:32AM Status: Slave Name: 116 Has a minor GAG REFLEX Triggers: outside right thigh. Press for filth Desperately searching for RITE OF PASSAGE Wants MARKS Has been sleeping on the floor Orgasms have been DENIED Themes: Submission breeds DUTY Becoming part of something bigger than her Goals: Eroticize service through chores Initiate sex Simple Commands Humility Rules: Maintain eye-line ‘Trainer’ address No furniture inc. BED No masturbation Lessons to Learn: Fear is Power Claim her sexuality and express it Proper expression of gratitude She is here to embrace her Duty Recommendations: Early morning inspection Immersion techniques to combat fears: Stairs, Falling Work on balance issues Run the Bleachers Extract info from homework review Drill the Rules and Positions Hook her ass and fuck her like a dog Press her deeper into submission using control and release Order masturbation to multiple orgasm Imprint association of orgasms and choking Cover her in come and stand her at attention Assign research on community integration Dismiss her to quarters for the night
